

For the fourth consecutive year, Triunfo is publishing its Sustainability Report in accordance with guidelines issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), a non-profit organization that, through a series of guidelines, has contributed to the publication of more than 28 thousand reports by 6.9 thousand organizations from around the world.


The 2014 edition of the Triunfo Sustainability Report provides information on the Company’s management methods and its environmental, social and economic performance for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2014. The report presents the performance of Triunfo Participações e Investimentos, headquartered in São Paulo (SP) and that of companies that account for most of its revenues and operations: Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos, Concer, Portonave, Rio Bonito, Triunfo Rio Guaíba, Triunfo Rio Tibagi, Triunfo Concebra, Triunfo Concepa, Triunfo Econorte, Triunfo Rio Canoas e Triunfo Rio Verde (see map on page Triunfo).


The Triunfo Sustainability Report follows, for the second consecutive year, the most recent version of GRI guidelines, G4. The “in accordance” option chosen by the Company was “Core”, with external assurance.   G4-32





Triunfo publishes its Sustainability Reports annually. Click here to access the Company's previous Sustainability Report, related to 2013 and published in April 2014. Comments on the report may be sent to   G4-29   G4-30   G4-31



External assurance


Audit firm EY was hired for external assurance of the 2014 Triunfo Sustainability Report. The Assurance Letter issued by the company can be found here.


Inclusion of external assurance in the process of preparing the report underlines Triunfo’s commitment to the continuous improvement of the report in order to provide the diverse stakeholder groups relevant information for understanding its businesses. As such, the Sustainability Report is an important tool for establishing goals, measuring performance and managing changes to make the Company’s operations increasingly sustainable.   G4-33


    +GRI Indicators
    GRI Indicators are highlighted throughout the report at the end of the paragraph that provides information suggested by the guidelines. You can also find the location of responses to the indicators in the GRI Index.

Stakeholder engagement  

The fourth generation of GRI guidelines emphasizes the need for organizations to concentrate the report preparation process – and consequently, the final product – on themes that are relevant to both their operations and to their stakeholders. The path to define these themes must include stakeholder engagement to identify impacts and map information requests.


In line with these recommendations, Triunfo held nine engagement panels that brought together 183 stakeholders from seven distinct groups, identified by their companies as the most relevant among the Company’s stakeholders. Called Triunfo Sustainability Panels and led by a specialized consultancy firm, the meetings were held in the cities of Porto Alegre (RS), Navegantes (SC), Londrina (PR), São Paulo (SP), Campinas (SP), Itaipava (RJ), Uberaba (MG), Caçu (GO) and Goiânia (GO). This was the first time the Company had held this type of event to discuss sustainability themes with stakeholders.   G4-25





    Triunfo’s 2014 Sustainability Report was prepared with the participation of a multidisciplinary team of around 140 professionals linked to Triunfo companies. The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Triunfo Sustainability Committee analyzed and approved the contents of this report.



Each Panel was planned in accordance with the company’s profile and its operating segment but followed a predefined methodology that included the context of sustainability, identification of business impacts and a survey to find out the most relevant information to be disclosed by Triunfo – which defined the topics of this report. This survey was conducted using questionnaires that presented aspects and indicators selected in advance by the Triunfo Sustainability Committee to verify their degree of relevance for each stakeholder group.
G4-26   G4-27



Stakeholders engaged



Key positive and negative impacts identified by stakeholders




Definition of material aspects

G4-18   G4-19


The same questionnaire applied to stakeholders was answered by five people that hold key positions at Triunfo and have a strong influence over the Company’s sustainability strategy. Their responses were cross referenced with the outcomes of the panel meetings, resulting in a preliminary materiality matrix, which was submitted to the materiality tests suggested by GRI.


The process of defining priority aspects, or the most material aspects, also involved the evaluation of reference documents on the related subjects produced by diverse institutions, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Instituto Ethos, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Instituto Acende Brasil and GRI. Furthermore, Triunfo analyzed its results in comparison with three industry peers. Additionally, the definition of materiality was based on the principles of the Global Compact, to which the Company is a signatory, and the Triunfo Sustainability Policy, updated in 2014. Aspects mentioned in both the Global Compact and the Policy can be found in the materiality matrix, either directly
or indirectly.


This effort defined the most relevant aspects to be reported in this report, meeting the interests of the organization and its stakeholders, as shown below.


Materiality matrix

G4-20   G4-21


Triunfo Participações e Investimentos thanks all professionals involved in the production of this Report, as well as other stakeholders that participated in Triunfo Sustainability Panels in 2014 and contributed to the continuous improvement of this communication channel of the Company.


Our professionals, who are fundamental for Triunfo’s performance, are honored in the chapter openings of this Report. Apart from their commitment to contribute to the development of Brazil, those selected to represent their colleagues have something else in common with Triunfo: they carry in their name one of its key characteristics.


Overall coordination


Triunfo Participações e Investimentos

Mariana de Souza Viel and Mayara Bertacini Justo da Rocha
(Communication and Sustainability Departament)






GRI consultancy, text, editing,
graphic design, layout and online version



Débora Horn

Bruna de Paula

Vanessa Colla

Fabrício Silva

Francisca Nery

Sérgio Ribeiro

Thiago Soares

Douglas da Silva


External assurance




Green Associados



Triunfo Participações e Investimentos and companies' archieves


Pages opening designs

Master Comunicação